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YouthMappers was created in 2014 and launched on Capitol Hill in November 2015. Watch this recording of the event, including remarks from Carrie Stokes, USAID GeoCenter Director; Ann Mei Chang, Director of the US Global Development Lab at USAID; Dr. Patricia Solis, YouthMappers Director; Prasamsa Thapa, Student from Nepal; Ellie Davis, GWU student; and Nama Budhathoki of Katmandu Living Labs.




Students and their faculty advisors are invited to join YouthMappers, an international university consortium on Mapping for Resilience. We organize a global community of learners, researchers, educators, and scholars to create and use open geographic data that directly address locally defined development challenges worldwide.  


This consortium supports university efforts to offer meaningful global learning experiences, build a socially engaged citizenry, enhance long-term scientific capacity around the world, and foster youth leadership.


​Affiliation offers university students and their faculty advisors the chance to network with others around the world and exchange information, ideas, and results that lead to greater understanding of resilience. We provide guidance, model syllabi and teaching resources to develop and improve open mapping inside and outside of the classroom. There is no cost for affiliation or enjoying the benefits of being a part of the consortium. ​


Begin by starting a youth-led chapter of YouthMappers on your university campus. Then join in the various activities of data creation that the network promotes that directly serves development needs in the international community.

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Patricia Solís, Ph.D.

Arizona State University

Nuala Cowan, Ph.D.

George Washington University

Brent McCusker, Ph.D.

West Virginia University

Carrie Stokes

USAID GeoCenter

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Marcela Zeballos
Managing Director

Elodie Nix
Technical Projects Manager

Zola Manyungwa
Communications Specialist

Jennings Anderson

Data Systems Analysis and Visualizations

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Richard Hinton

Validation Hub Manager

Rory Nealon

USAID GeoCenter

Adele Birkenes
USAID GeoCenter

Chad Blevins
Technical Advisor

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) generously supports YouthMappers. Founding partners are Texas Tech University, The George Washington University, and West Virginia University. Arizona State University is the lead fiscal and administrative partner, in collaboration with TTU, GWU and WVU.


Director, Principal Investigator

Patricia Solis, Ph.D., Arizona State University


Co-Principal Investigators

Nuala Cowan, Ph.D., The George Washington University

Brent McCusker, Ph.D., West Virginia University, 


Managing Director

Marcela Zeballos, Texas Tech University


​Technical Projects Manager

Elodie Nix, American Geographical Society


Communications Specialist

Zola Manyungwa


​Technical Advisor

Chad Blevins


Data Systems Analysis and Visualizations

Jennings Anderson


Steering Committee Members

Dr. Ryan Engstrom, The George Washington University

Richard Hinton, The George Washington University

Dr. Michael Mann, The George Washington University

Dr. Marie Price, The George Washington University

Dr. Jamison Conley, West Virginia University



Carrie Stokes, Director of the USAID GeoCenter

Michael Crino, Deputy Director and Program Officer

Rory Nealon, Senior GIS Analyst and YouthMappers Activity Manager 

Adele Birkenes, Geospatial Analyst


Graduate Assistants

​Natalia Arruda, Arizona State University

​Maxwell Owusu, YouthMappers Validation hub


Finalist for the Service to America Medal, Carrie Stokes discusses in a TV interview with Government Matters, the work she and her team are doing that earned them this in the National Security and International Affairs category.

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