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  • Jessica Bergmann, HOT and Marcela Zeballos, YouthMappers

Global YouthMappers Challenge to Support International Women’s Day

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

This International Women’s Day, YouthMappers and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) are teaming up to put gendered issues on the map through the Global YouthMappers Challenge. Student members of YouthMappers chapters* throughout the world are invited to participate in the challenge, with the chance to win a trip to the 2019 HOT Summit and global State of the Map Conference taking place in Heidelberg, Germany from September 19 - 23.

As part of the #LetGirlsMap initiative, the Global YouthMappers Challenge encourages YouthMappers to make remote mapping contributions to communities in Tanzania, Paraguay, and Peru working to create more inclusive environments for women through the USAID Women Connect Challenge. Are you a YouthMapper looking to get involved in the challenge? Read the full terms of participation & eligibility criteria found on the YouthMappers website.

We encourage YouthMappers to use unique chapter hashtags in the task change-set comments to identify the tasks to which they have contributed quality edits. Additionally, chapters can create challenge specific hashtags for their chapters, such as #YMchallenge[chapter identifier].

The Global YouthMappers Challenge will end on Sunday, June 2 at midnight Local Time. Winners will be selected using the criteria listed in the call for participation. All winners will be announced by email no later than June 30.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Jessica Bergmann serves as HOT’s Partnerships and Community Programs Associate. She is passionate about community driven development and believes in HOT’s mission to empower local leaders to solve locally-relevant challenges through technology and data.

Marcela Zeballos is the YouthMappers Managing Director through Texas Tech University's Center for Geospatial Technology. She is inspired by YouthMappers commitment to understanding and addressing global issues while striving to build stronger, more resilient communities.

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