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YouthMappers are celebrating Open Data Day!

The eleventh annual global celebration of open data is taking place on March 6, 2021. Open Data Day aligns with YouthMappers' goal of ensuring that the data, information, and results we create are freely available for the greater public good- particularly so that local populations can plan for the welfare, resilience, and vitality of their communities. This day recognizes and promotes open data and rallies groups globally to plan local events creating and using open data. This year the Open Knowledge Foundation awarded 61 mini-grants to support organizations for their Open Data Day events; four YouthMappers chapters were selected for the mini-grants!

Find event details from the chapter awarded grants below. Visit our calendar to see all of the virtual events catered to YouthMappers related to open mapping on and around Open Data Day. Also, view the Open Data Day events listing page to discover online and in-person events by country, theme, or region.


OpenStreetMap Introduction #OpenDataDay

PoliMappers, Politecnico di Milano

Milan, Italy

OpenStreetMap Introduction #OpenDataDay is the first event of the course Humanitarian Collaborative Mapping, organized by PoliMappers and coordinated by PoliMappers Faculty Advisor Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and other numerous organizations active in the field of open mapping.

In a series of meetings from March to May, participants will be introduced to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and to some examples of how the database is used. Moreover, they will learn how to manage the most popular and innovative tools through mapping sessions.

The event on March 5th is held on the occasion of Open Data Day 2021 (March 6th), an annual celebration of open data all over the world. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.

Flyer promoting PoliMapper's Event Collaborative and Humanitarian Mapping OpenStreetMap Introduction on 5th March 2021 4-7pm CET.

The first part of the event will aim to introduce participants to OSM by explaining the project and the milestones reached so far, as well as the basic concepts of mapping.

In the second part of the event, an example of how OSM is now fundamental in the humanitarian world will be illustrated. This is the case of the World Food Program (WFP), which operates in many countries and uses the OSM database to constantly update its mapping resources and ensure optimal support to field missions. Participants will then try their hand at mapping buildings using the TeachOSM Tasking Manager and iD editor in the area around Tartus, Syria, where the WFP operates.

The course and the March 5th event is open and freely-accessible for interested people from outside Politecnico di Milano. Register here to receive reminders and info before each event.


Open Data Day by SUZA YouthMappers

SUZA YouthMappers, State University of Zanzibar

Zanzibar, Tanzania

The event aims to create awareness on open data day and how the students can use the data in developing innovative web and mobile applications to solve existing challenges in society. The workshop will consist of several topics with hands-on practice in between. In addition to the invited students from different Universities in Zanzibar taking computer related fields- the total participants are expected to be 100 consisting of more than 50% of the girls. Girls will be given higher priority during the application process.

The celebration day will start with a networking session and three presentations from Ms. Raya Idrissa Ahmada who has worked as a Resilience Academy Internship Program coordinator under the Tanzanian Urban Resilience Program (TURP), SUZA YouthMappers chapter and currently YouthMappers Regional Ambassador in Tanzania; Mr. Massoud Mmanga Hamad who is a developer and Assistant Lecturer from the Department of Computer Science and IT and a Geonode developer under the TURP; Mr. Yussuf Said who is the head Pilot and Trainer at Tanzania Flying Labs.

The participants will gain knowledge about open data and how they can utilize it in coming up with innovative web and mobile applications. And they will have vivid examples of people coming from Computer Science and Engineering fields, now working with Open Data Initiatives.

The event encourages students to use the available open data, as well, as introduce some of the Open Source Initiatives.


Open Data Day- Dia Dos Dados Abertos

Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais, Universidade Federal de São João del -Rei

São João del - Rei, Brazil

On Saturday, March 6th 2021, from 09:00 am to 15:30 p.m, YouthMappers chapter Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais, will hold its first online event to celebrate Open Data Day, with support from YouthMappers, the Open Knowledge Foundation, and the Department of Geosciences of the Universidade Federal de São João del -Rei. The event will have lecturers explaining theories and practices about the use of open data for Earth observation and cartographic data- related to water usage conflicts, territorial conflicts, and how to support public institutions. The students of Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter - UAIGeo are going to show basic functions to use free platforms for collaborative mapping.

The event schedule is below with all times in Brasília time/UTC -3:

  • 9:00 - Opening: The importance of Open Data Day 2021. Professor Sílvia Elena Ventorini Department of Geosciences - Federal University of São João del Rei – Brazil

  • 9:15 a.m. - Open Earth Observation data as a solution for territorial tension points and water use: two cases in Brazil. Professor Évelyn Márcia Pôssa. Researcher of the Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá – Brazil

  • 10:00 a.m. - The Cultural Heritage collaborative mapping network: strategy, dissemination and reframing for the preservation of the Historic Center of São João Del-Rei. Architect and urbanist: Nathália Larsen. Manager of Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional - IPHAN de São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais

  • 10:45 a.m. YouthMappers: Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter -

  • UAIGeo President Ana Luisa Teixeira . Undergraduate student in Bachelor of Geography -Federal University of São João del - Rei – Brazil

  • 12:00 - 13:30 p.m. - Lunch

  • 13:30 - 15:30 p.m. - How to use Free Platforms: Mapillary, OpenStreetMap and Kobo Toolbox Maps in different areas of knowledge. Ana Luisa Teixeira, Ana Luisa Carvallho, Thiago Gonçalves Santos. Students of Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter – UAIGeo

Participants will be able to ask questions to the speakers. Registration is now open through this link. Vacancies are limited! Certificates will be issued!

Flyer promoting the event UAIGeo chapter's event stating: "Open Data Day Free Event 06/03/2021 Come to be part of the day!"

No sábado, dia 6 de março de 2021, das 9h às 15h30min., o capítulo Unificar Ações e

Informações Geoespaciais –UAIGeo - UFSJ, realizará seu primeiro evento online para

celebrar Open Data Day, com os apoios do Youthmappers, da Open Knowledge

Foundation, do Departamento de Geociências e da Universidade Federal de São João

del -Rei.

O evento terá palestrantes mostrando teorias e práticas do uso de dados abertos

cartográficos e de observação da Terra em tensões relacionadas ao uso da água, aos

locais de conflitos territoriais e ao apoio aos órgãos públicos. Os membros do UAIGeo

apresentarão comandos básicos para usar plataformas livres para mapeamentos


A programação do evento é:

  • 9:00: Abertura: A importância do Open Data Day 2021 - Profa Dra Sílvia Elena Ventorini - Docente do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia - UFSJ

  • 9:15 - Dados abertos de Observação da Terra como parte da solução de pontos de tensão territoriais e do uso da água: dois casos no Brasil - Palestrante: Profa Dra Évelyn Márcia Pôssa - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (Amazônia)

  • 10:00 - A rede de mapeamento colaborativo do Patrimônio Cultural: estratégia, divulgação e resignificação para a preservação do Centro Histórico de São João Del-Rei. Palestrante: Nathália Larsen - Chefe do escritório técnico Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional IPHAN de São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais.

  • 10:45 - Capítulo Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais – UAIGeo -Palestrante:

  • Ana Luisa Teixeira Presidente do UAIGeo e discente de graduação em bacharel em

  • Geografia da Universidade Federal de São João del - Rei –UFSJ

  • 12- às 13: 30 Almoço

  • 13:30 – às 15:30 – Como usar Plataformas Livres : Mapillary, OpenStreetMap e Kobo Toolbox Maps em diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Ana Luisa Teixeira, Ana Luisa Carvallho, Thiago Gonçalves Santos. Membros do UAIGEO.

Os participantes poderão tirar dúvidas com os palestrantes e os membros do UAIGeo.

As inscrições já estão abertas por meio do link. Vagas limitadas.Haverá emissão de certificados


Mapeo Comunitario Evento Online- Dia De Datos Abiertos Mapatona

YouthMappers UFBA, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Salvador, Brazil

On March 6th at 16:30 UTC for Open Data Day YouthMappers UFBA will host a mapathon in support of fighting epidemics in precarious areas of Salvador, Brazil - Subúrbio I. Brazil has a primary health care network in the Unified Health System (SUS) composed of community agents and family health professionals who work together in the territory with the most vulnerable population. However, this performance occurs with little (or no) knowledge organized in maps. YouthMappers UFBA supports training activities for these professionals and intends to count on the OSM community to map, at this moment, one of the precarious areas of the city that has been suffering from COVID-19 and in which one of these groups of health professionals work.

Community health workers and family health professionals play a fundamental role for these people, as they are the ones who visit the territory, the homes, recognizing the problems at their origin. To do their job, they often make schematic maps on paper and do not use existing maps. In OpenStreetMap, most of these more precarious areas still do not have their buildings mapped, and this is a layer that can help a lot in the work of these agents. That is why YouthMappers UFBA has been supporting the GeoCombate COVID-19 BA Group and seeking to map the most precarious areas of the City of Salvador.

Learn more about the Community Mapping Online events here and register for the mapathon through this link.

Combatiendo epidemias en zonas precarias de Salvador, Brasil - Subúrbio I

Brasil tiene una red de atención primaria de salud en el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) compuesta por agentes comunitarios y profesionales de la salud de la familia que trabajan en el territorio junto con la población más vulnerable. Sin embargo, este desempeño ocurre con poco (o ningún) conocimiento organizado en mapas. Youth Mappers UFBA apoya actividades de formación para estos profesionales y pretende contar con la comunidad OSM para mapear, en este momento, una de las zonas precarias de la ciudad que viene sufriendo con la COVID-19 y en la que uno de estos grupos de profesionales de la salud trabaja.


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