The MappersU consortium supports the continued development and expansion of new instructional materials for TeachOSM that will allow educators from all backgrounds develop and customize group projects around the OpenStreetMap platform.
TeachOSM is an online resource for educators at all levels who wish to promote geographic learning through interactive mapping projects. The site was developed by a number of DC based university lecturers and local educators who had independently worked with students to introduce the OpenStreetMap platform as part of traditional geographic instruction. Though our applications of the platform differed -- some worked with high school age students on community awareness and development, while others worked with college students on international preparedness projects -- our goal dovetailed in that we wanted students to appreciate this accessible aspect of geospatial technology, and use that in a service learning capacity.
The team from George Washington University, co-founder of MappersU, developed the initial workflow materials on the TeachOSM site. This material encourages potential adopters to think carefully when planning an OSM based team project, from careful consideration of a suitable mapping site, to equitable work assignment between students/group participants.
When working with a large group, such as in a classroom, training is always a challenge. The site gives pointers on creative ways to host training sessions, as well as supporting materials such as “how-to” videos.
Meanwhile, we offer microcredentialing online GeoBadges for YouthMappers, our program focused on student chapters on consortium campuses.
In Development - Coming Soon
Some of the new items currently under development include:
Mapathon-in-a-Box : A full guide on event preparation and hosting tailored toward a university audience.
Validation Guide : Workflow and procedures for high-end quality control.
Grading Resources : More how-to ideas on how to incorporate assessment of activities around OSM in the classroom.
Syllabus Clearinghouse : See and share models for how to incorporate OSM into the classroom, from a one lesson feature to a full dedicated course, including service learning components. Meanwhile, take a look at this full special topics class at TTU.
Best Practices : Lessons learned from international collaborations in the classroom and beyond around OSM contributions.
Educational and pedagogical development activities are led by co-founding consortium member George Washington University under the leadership of CoPI Dr. Nuala Cowan.