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Five-way mapathon a national record

YouthMappers Staff

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

For what may be the greatest number of university sites connected remotely and simultaneously in the US for a mapathon, five universities, chapters of YouthMappers, joined up on April 1st, 2016 in San Fransisco, Washington, DC, Morgantown, West Virginia, Lubbock Texas, and Orlando, Florida.

Students from George Washington University, West Virginia University, Texas Tech University, George Mason University, and University of Central Florida took a break from mapping to join a google hangout to say hello together, recorded in this short video.

As the lead foreign assistance agency for the US Government, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), along with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), are working together to implement the 2015 - 2020 President’s Malaria Initiative Strategy (PMI). In Mozambique, Peace Corps Volunteers are collaborating with PMI in the fight against malaria. The new strategy takes into account the progress over the past decade and new challenges that have arisen.

Data created from this mapping effort will help indoor residual spraying programs in Mozambique stop the spread of malaria. After the base map is completed by remote mappers, Peace Corps Volunteers in Zambezia Province will work with their Mozambican counterparts to complete Field Papers in key villages and towns and add local knowledge to OSM. This data is intended to help PMI and ABT Associates, USAID’s implementing partner, with project scope and spray planning. YouthMappers organized to support this ongoing project!

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