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YouthMappers Leadership fellow selected to attend NNPHL3 Programme

Maliha Binte Mohiuddin, University of Dhaka


YouthMappers 2017 Leadership Fellow Maliha Binte Mohiuddin from Bangladesh has been selected to attend the 2018 National NGO Program on Humanitarian Leadership (NNPHL) Programme! She is one of 28 students selected among 400 applicants.

NNPHL is an innovative training and professional development initiative for humanitarian professionals. The 2018 NNPHL3 programme is a five-month training programme that runs from March to August and includes online e-learning modules, supplemental reading assignments, an intensive 5 day training in June in Manila, Philippines, two NNPHL Final Assignments, and one NNPHL Humanitarian "Voices from the Field" blog. The NNPHL programme receives support from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, is managed by Concern Worldwide and its partners, International Medical Corps and Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, with technical support from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Applications for NNPHL 4 will open in early March; the Global North location has yet to be determined but the intensive 5 day training is scheduled for early September. NNPHL 4 will be a global cohort with priority given to applicants from the Latin America and Caribbean region. For more information, visit:

Maliha strongly believes that the YouthMappers Leadership Fellowship has given her the encouragement and inner strength to pursue her goals for the humanitarian work in the long run. NNPHL would be a good platform for YouthMappers seeking to enhance their leadership skills in the humanitarian sector.

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