“I will do it. I want to do. I wish I will do it one day…” those sentences are not for this team. There is no place for a single performer. We are a team. Here, we do not have space for the word ‘I’ without the word ‘We’. We love to say “We did it. We've done it.” The team knows that the word ‘We’ is stronger than ‘I’. But here is a problem is that we don't want to show the team’s work more than they talks. But through this blog we want to inspire others for a competition of humanitarian work. We are a ghost. No one knows us but feels our contribution by our work.
Missing Maps Leaderboard
See the top 10 mappers of the missingmaps leaderboard. Here staying the three mappers (red marked).And if you see top 50 you will find more mappers from our team.

Our team has contributed more than 50% mapillary photos.

Not only are the statistics the main issue, YouthMappers at Dhaka College have done all the work with maintaining quality of map data. We have already contributed more than 1.5 million buildings with around 55k km of highways. All the contributions are maintaining quality.
We are ready to work for humanity. We were in action for the Malaria Eliminatio campaign, the Nepal Earthquake, Tanzania Projects, South Asian Flooding, and the Rohinga Crisis. We were awarded the Chapter Partnership Award in 2017 and took 3rd place on the YouthMappers ‘Mapping to End Malaria’ Challenge: Round-03 2017
It is really true that all the great achievement comes by through teamwork. So that every team is always need to works together to achieve the big things. Best wishes to all YouthMappers chapters. See you all in the field of winners!