Having used other mapping applications with its rigours license requirement, the open street mapping on the other hand has afforded me the ability to create a map of my world using points, lines and polygons.

Of course, mapping in Openstreetmapping using Editor ID or JOSM requires some levels of training but the training is quite simple to comprehend and with little supervision one can map and tag any facility on the surface of the earth. I am a post graduate student at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) majoring in Geography and I am a member of the YouthMappers chapter on campus. Upon first encountering our chapter advisor (Mr James Eshun), I had the impression of projecting the world citizen in me since my output in OpenStreetMap would go a long way to help agencies like Doctors across borders, USAID and the Red Cross.
I read further to understand the significance of the points, lines and polygons to projects like combating malaria in Kenya and helps victims of hurricane Matthew. Today, I have an active account and part take in task from ‘teachosm.org’ and ‘hotosm.org’. I feel gratified to know that I am a part of many people who have taken it upon themselves to make a world a better place through mapping.
With the support of the local Geographical Society on campus, we continue to expand the circle of Youthmappers by holding a series on training sessions where new trainees are usually appointed a mentor. During the training for new trainees, we always map out our campus since the area is familiar to all students. With the publicity, ease and excitement of being a YouthMapper, students from other department like Sociology and Physics have joined our local chapter.
At present, we are taking steps to organise our first ever mapathon on the 19th of November 2016. For me, this event would put all YouthMappers on campus under one umbrella and I will be glad if we complete a task. Being a YouthMapper has been very interesting and I am excited to be one.
Thanks goes to USAID GeoCenter, for posting tasks on the TeachOSM Tasking Manager that we use for such training, learning and mapping, Dr. Patricia SolÃs for her support to our chapter and all youthmappers around the world.