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What is your superpower?

Patricia Solís, Director/CoFounder of YouthMappers

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

Do you want to become more engaged in the global network of YouthMappers chapters? Do you have a special talent to share beyond the amazing things you are already doing on your own campus? Do you want to be part of the bigger movement of open mapping by youth? Do you want to add an important international experience to your work resume?

YouthMappers is looking for a few leaders who are willing to help others around the world become engaged in the network and support quality mapping. Here are descriptions of the roles you might play:


VIRTUAL AMBASSADOR - provides welcoming advice and encouragement to groups who are working to create a new YouthMappers chapter, or to new chapters seeking help on becoming engaged in the community. You would be introduced to your peers who request more information from us, and connect to them through email, Skype, Google Hangout, or other media, as convenient. To be a virtual ambassador, it helps to have experience in setting up a new chapter, and have interesting ideas for how to make your group successfully run and transition.

PEER TECHNICAL ADVISOR - provides virtual training to chapters who request support for specific tools (such as JOSM, etc.), and answers general technical questions about working with OpenStreetMap data creation or usage. If you are one of our advanced mappers, consider giving some of your knowledge to those with less experience. Many YouthMappers are looking to learn more tools and advance the quality and quantity of their mapping or analysis. Having a friendly peer help answer their questions is very valuable to keeping our community growing and thriving.

VALIDATOR - focuses on the quality of volunteered data by YouthMappers, including serving to virtually support mapathons or other mass events. If you have an eye for fixing errors, or like to support the work of your peers by checking for common mistakes, we need you. This can be done on your own time, or you can sign up to help in "real time" for a remote mapathon or event.

TASK MANAGER - learns to use the TeachOSM instance of

the HOT Tasking Manager tool to support requests for chapter-led mapping ​projects. Many chapters not only map for the humanitarian and development community, but also take own their own locally-defined mapping needs where they live. Doing so in a group means it helps to have a Task Manager to organize. YouthMappers has one volunteer student who has been helping chapters set up their own sites to map en masse, and we need another who wants to learn how to do this and serve the network by responding to these requests.

Other roles are welcomed, too.

If you are interested, please submit your name to fill these volunteer positions to meet needs of peer mappers and peer chapters using this application form. We will help you organize and facilitate a role for you to inspire and help others around the world.



  • Meets the need for one of the volunteer purposes described in the categories below

  • Active as a member in an existing YouthMappers chapter

  • Willingness, interest, and experience in the particular category of service chosen

  • Enthusiasm for the YouthMappers movement


  • Recognition with a title/designation for your volunteer category

  • Certificate from YouthMappers and the USAID GeoCenter upon completion of service

  • AGS Geobadge

  • Your Name on the YouthMappers webpage

  • Being a part of a new group of global youth leaders

  • No remuneration is available - these are volunteer positions


  • Attend a virtual orientation session via Skype

  • Serve for a term of one calendar year, renewable (January - December)

  • Respond to requests for support from new or existing chapters in your category of service

  • Make suggestions for improving the network and its resources

  • Participate in periodic coordination calls with other Volunteer leaders

  • Submit a very short evaluation survey assessing your experience upon completion of your service


 YouthMappers® is a registered trademark No. 5.203.611, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Class 41, Ser. No. 87-165,163 (Solis, 2033). All rights reserved.


Arizona State University is the fiscal and administrative lead university. Founding universities are Texas Tech University, George Washington University, and West Virginia University. Data is added to OpenStreetMap in collaboration with the OSM community and our partners.

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