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New dreams have started

N M Tanvir Siddiki, Dhaka College

YouthMappersDhakaCollege chapter is a team that always engages in various projects, research and innovation. We work successfully in the OpenStreetMap Bangladesh community and always share knowledge and collaboration with all the other chapters.

To continue our chapter activities smoothly, facing new challenges & growth of the team, we organized a training on OpenStreetMap for new members to create new faces of the global leaders.

A 5 hours long training was held on 14th March 2019 at the Department of Geography & Environment of Dhaka College. We have a total of 35 new members and 12 current members participated in the training.

The training followed the training schedule below

  • First of all the training started with national anthem of Bangladesh.

  • Chief guest GIS-RS & OpenData Specialist & Executive Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation, Mr Ahasanul Hoque inaugural the program. We introduced new members with OSM, YouthMappers & gave motivational speech to inspire them.

  • Current advisors of the chapters, Sawan Shariar & Atikur Rahman shared their experience with new members

  • Played best wishes videos from different YouthMappers chapters from Côte d’Ivoire, Philippines, Panama, Italy, Colombia, and Nepal. This made a big impression on new members and inspired and motivated them.

  • The main part for training conducted by current president Ataur Rahman Shaheen & vice president Md Mozammel Hoque. Topics were:

  • ​Sign-up OSM Id & Introducing Mapswipe apps

  • Introducing JOSM, installation and settings

  • Editing with JOSM

  • Discussion on tags

  • Contributing in tasking manager

  • Operate of Data Collection Tools- Mppilary, OSMAnd, Map swipe.

  • 2019 YouthMappers Leadership fellow, Ataur Rahman Shaheen was in Pretoria, South Africa on January. He share his experience & knowledge with new members.

  • Certificate giving & photo session

We hope that with those new members YouthMappers Dhaka College chapter will do its best in future days.

N M Tanvir Siddiki is a Student Representative for the YouthMappers Dhaka College chapter. He is a 3rd year Honors student of the Department of Geography & Environment at Dhaka College. He is very glad to be a part of the wonderful team of Dhaka College YouthMappers!

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