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Asif Bin Alam Seum- YouthMappers at SUST- Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet

A Journey to 0 Network

People have an innate urge to explore. Nature's incredible beauty and mystique have us under their sway. Bangladesh is a country with incredible natural beauty, including hundreds of serpentine rivers, lakes with crystal clear water surrounded by lush green hills, lush tropical rain forests, stunning cascades of green tea gardens, the largest mangrove forest in the world that is a World Heritage Site, the Royal Bengal Tiger's habitat, wind blowing through paddy fields, plenty of sunshine, and the longest natural sea beach in the world.

But in our country, the quality of the mobile phone network service is terrible. Because of accurate map advice, tourists experience loss of direction frequently. As I am a geographer, I often go to different places for research purposes.

This time, our objective was a well-known national park in our country, "Lawachara National Park." The National Park encompasses around 1,250 acres (12.5 km2) of semi-evergreen and mixed deciduous forests. The site was designated as a national park by the Bangladesh government on July 7, 1996, in accordance with the Wildlife Act of 1974. Zeep drove us to the entrance. However, we must walk the remainder of the way since we must be sound-free. Because mother nature was so big there, the experience was indescribable. We began to explore the area in search of spots where people go less frequently. As we approached the location, our phone began to show a weak network, but we were unaware. It became 0 at some point as we progressed into the depths. Because the location was unfamiliar to us, the danger of becoming lost in the sanctuary was great. We forgot to keep track of time as part of our lab work. We were in a rush after finishing the work because the sun had already set on the west side. When others receive their phones, they are unable to find a signal. Everyone was looking for any kind of network to illustrate the path with traditional maps, but they were all failing. Everyone was concerned. But, owing to the OSMand app, which I was introduced to previously, I always had it on my phone, and my tracker was also turned on. Everyone seemed relieved when I demonstrated that my GPS was operational. We quickly returned from the 0 network location.

If I didn't know about this facility, it might get worse. Anywhere in the world may be easily navigated thanks to OpenStreetMap. It has become absolutely necessary in nations where network problems exist. Thanks to Sawan Shariar, Regional Ambassador of YouthMappers for introducing me to such a facility. It became my daily habit part.

About the Author:

Asif Bin Alam Seum

President, YouthMappers at SUST

Master’s Student, Department of Geography & Environment, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

I am Asif Bin Alam Seum. Currently, Studying Master's at Shahjalal UIniversity of Science and Technology, Sylhet. I first learn about YouthMappers during Covid-19. Our seniors worked a lot to establish the chapter of our university. I am currently the president at my campus.


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