English translation below.
La violencia contra la mujer es un tema importante que debe ser atendido en la Ciudad de México. Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) los tipos de violencia contra la mujer son: Violencia familiar en todas sus modalidades, trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual u otros fines, estrupo, violación/violación equiparada, hostigamiento sexual, acoso sexual, abuso sexual, y feminicidio. Las estadísticas que el propio INEGI arroja son alarmantes, por tal motivo, el objetivo del proyecto “Mapeo de lugares seguros para mujeres en CDMX” dirigido por el capítulo UAMAPS, fue lograr un mapeo de lugares en la Ciudad de México que brindan ayuda a la mujer en situación de violencia. Se logró mapear un total de 104 lugares seguros, localizados en las alcaldías Miguel Hidalgo, Cuauhtémoc y Alvaro Obregón. Por el momento solo se trabajó con tres alcaldías pero se tiene programado avanzar con las alcaldías restantes de la ciudad en el futuro. Para llegar a la base georeferenciada final se trabajó en un primer momento en una búsqueda en internet sobre los lugares, sin embargo, se encontró información falsa o dudosa de algunos. Por tal motivo se concluyó que el trabajo de campo era necesario para verificar la información y seguridad.
Proceso del proyecto
Trabajo de escritorio
El trabajo de escritorio consistió en investigar sobre el tema de violencia de género, teniendo el objetivo de mapear lugares seguros para mujeres en la Ciudad de México, limitándose a únicamente tres alcaldías: Miguel Hidalgo, Cuauhtémoc y Álvaro Obregón. De tal forma, que se creó una base de datos que contenga la información recopilada sobre los lugares seguros y confiables para las mujeres, iniciando esta búsqueda, en primera instancia, por medio del internet. Es decir, a través de la investigación, se obtuvo un apoyo grande al tener acceso de fuentes gubernamentales y de listados de organizaciones legítimas de cada lugar. Teniendo en claro no omitir la siguiente información: a) Nombre del establecimiento/institución, b) Coordenadas geográficas, c) Colonia, d) Alcaldía/Municipio, e) Estado, d) Descripción (objetivo del lugar, horario y contacto), y f) Categoría de atención del lugar (contención primaria, refugio de largo plazo, ayuda legal, ayuda psicológica a largo plazo y ayuda médica). Una vez creada la base de datos y teniendo en cuenta la información necesaria para la cartografía participativa, era necesario verificar que la información sea verídica y actual.
Trabajo de campo
El trabajo de campo consistió en acudir a los establecimientos y concretar qué si eran lugares seguros para mujeres, ya qué, como muchos lugares había cerrado en la temporada fuerte de la pandemia de COVID-19, con base a este proceso, se pudo quitar lugares donde ni siquiera sabían qué eran nombrados como lugares seguros para mujeres, poner las direcciones nombres escritos de manera correcta. Pero también algo importante ver cómo fue su interacción o ha hecho su interacción con estos temas de violencia así la mujer.
Comentarios personales

Karla Herrera
My contribution to this project was in the elaboration of the theoretical framework. There I realized that the figures of violence against women at the national level are beyond alarming. For that reason I strove to find all the possible types of help that a woman may find from the citizenry at the street level.

Vianey Díaz
I participated in the data-gathering and the database creation processes, thus I could notice the dearth of safe spaces for women within violent situations. Taking into account that this is an alarming worldwide problem, not just at a national level, this felt like a cold reality check for me.

Jaqueline Martinez
I took part in the field work, where I could interact with and learn from physicians and lawyers specialized in gender violence, as well as clerks who have agreed to enter into the SafePlaces initiative. It was truly concerning to me to become aware of just how high the level of violence is towards women of all ages, even newborn babies, and that it just got even higher during the pandemic. I got to see with my own eyes that despite it being possible to find places where specialists can provide help in a legal, physical and psychological field, there is still a widespread fear from women to sue for domestic violence and shame to ask for physiological or psychological therapy.

Josué Ortega
To say that this was one of the most formative experiences of my life would be an understatement. It was a chance to apply my desk-knowledge into real world field work and a way of strengthening the bonding with my fellow mappers. But beyond that, this literal journey across my city taught me (once again) how vast and largely uncharted the urban world is, and also how necessary it is to develop and divulge spatial knowledge that is both accessible and useful for the street level safety of women. I hope that endeavors such as this one will be replicated by YouthMappers chapters all over the world.

Mauricio Nieto
La recopilación de información fue todo un reto para poder llegar a la base de datos con la que realizamos el trabajo de campo, sobre todo porque es ir discriminando información que puede o no estar actualizada. el trabajo de campo también tuvo sus retos ya que era llegar a lugares como taquerías, heladerías, cafés, bares entre otros lugares en los que estaban en horas de trabajo y llegar y pedir la información era algo que luego los propios empleados o gerentes no querían proporcionar puesto que no nos conocían o que no que no conocían nada acerca de la información o del proyecto con el que estábamos trabajando. pero esas son la experiencias a las que se enfrenta cuando se hace un proyecto colaborativo que se arma desde las ideas de los integrantes de UAMaps para lograr los objetivos y actualizacion de informacion para el proyecto de lugares seguros para mujeres.

Paulina Gutiérrez
Trabajar en este proyecto significó hacerlo para un entorno diferente debido al alcance para el que fue planeado. Mi experiencia en el trabajo de escritorio fue emocionante porque existía un gran rastro de espacios seguros para mujeres, lo que de manera personal me hacía sentir segura y/o apoyada por la cantidad de espacios registrados con los que las mujeres podían contar. Así mismo, fue una experiencia nueva y emocionante por las distintas maneras de trabajar con el resto de los miembros de UAMaps porque tuve la oportunidad de aprender junto con ellos y ser parte de la actualización y mapeo de los espacios seguros para mujeres en CDMX, específicamente para las alcaldías Cuauhtémoc, Miguel Hidalgo y Álvaro Obregón, siendo consciente de las diferencias finales entre el trabajo de escritorio y el trabajo de campo.

Yeshua Jasai Fierro Duran
La experiencia de poder trabajar con compañeros de la universidad en un tema de suma importancia, significo para mi algo retador y agradable. Pues supimos unir conocimientos, a pesar de la situación de pandemia y sobre todo aplicarlos desde el trabajo en casa así como el trabajo de campo en el cual participe. Ese fue todo un caso inesperado porque me lleve la sorpresa en que las instituciones públicas eran las que nos atendían de peor manera a comparación de las instituciones privadas o lugares de comercio o establecimientos conocidos como safe places. En algunos de estos últimos la iniciativa de safe place no era conocida pero se mostraron empáticos con la idea de ser un lugar seguro en caso de que alguna mujer lo necesitase, por lo tanto, el haber hecho esta labor rectifico que aun hay lugares que deben formalizar la iniciativa de ayuda a las mujeres en casos desesperados y de ser así este trabajo ayuda a esas acciones en estos lugares. Cómo crear algún tipo de protocolo para las distintas situaciones que se viven en la realidad del país día a día y que es con lo que yo me siento satisfecho con los resultados porque sé que este trabajo servirá para analizar dicha problemática desde el óptico del mapeo.

Mapa de lugares seguros en CDMX, 2021, Ciudad de México. Las ubicaciones mapeadas corresponden a lugares seguros para mujeres./ Map of safe places in CDMX, 2021, Mexico City. Mapped locations correspond to safe places for women.
Violence against women is an important issue that must be addressed in Mexico City. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) the types of violence against women are: Family violence in all its forms, human trafficking for sexual exploitation or other purposes, rape/equated rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and femicide. The statistics that INEGI itself throws up are alarming, for this reason, the objective of the project "Mapping of safe places for women in CDMX" directed by the UAMAPS chapter, was to map places in Mexico City that provide help to a woman in a violent situation. A total of 104 safe places were mapped, located in the Miguel Hidalgo, Cuauhtémoc and Álvaro Obregón municipalities. At the moment, only three municipalities have been worked on, but we planned to move forward with the remaining municipalities of the city in the future. To arrive at the final georeferenced base, an internet search of the places was initially carried out, however, false or doubtful information was found about some of them. For this reason, it was concluded that fieldwork was necessary to verify the information and security.
Project Process
Desk job
The desk work consisted of researching the issue of gender violence, with the objective of mapping safe places for women in Mexico City, limited to only three municipalities: Miguel Hidalgo, Cuauhtémoc and Álvaro Obregón. In such a way, a database was created that contains the information collected on safe and reliable places for women, we first started the search on the internet. In other words, through the investigation, great support was obtained by having access to government sources and lists of legitimate organizations in each place. Bearing in mind not to omit the following information: a) Name of the establishment/institution, b) Geographical coordinates, c) Neighborhood, d) City Hall/Municipality, e) State, d) Description (purpose of the place, hours and contact), and f ) Category of care of the place (primary support, long-term shelter, legal help, long-term psychological help and medical help). Once we created the database it was necessary to verify the information, so that every single place mapped is considered true and secure.
The fieldwork consisted of going to the establishments and specifying if they were safe places for women, since, many places had closed during the strong season of the COVID-19 pandemic, based on this process, places could be removed. Also, fieldwork was necessary because we had to be sure the places mapped confirmed being mapped as a safe place for women. This part of the project was really rich in information because we got to know the perspective of the people we interviewed and got to let them know that through OpenStreetMap you can locate these safe places.
Personal comments
Karla Herrera
My contribution to this project was in the elaboration of the theoretical framework. There I realized that the figures of violence against women at the national level are beyond alarming. For that reason, I strove to find all the possible types of help that a woman may find from the citizenry at the street level.
Vianey Díaz
I participated in the data-gathering and database creation processes, thus I could notice the dearth of safe spaces for women in violent situations. Taking into account that this is an alarming worldwide problem, not just at a national level, this felt like a cold reality check for me.
Jaqueline Martinez
I took part in the fieldwork, where I could interact with and learn from physicians and lawyers who specialize in gender violence, as well as clerks who have agreed to enter into the SafePlaces initiative. It was truly concerning to me to become aware of just how high the level of violence is towards women of all ages, even newborn babies, and that it just got even higher during the pandemic. I got to see with my own eyes that despite it being possible to find places where specialists can provide help in a legal, physical and
psychological field, there is still a widespread fear from women to sue for domestic violence and shame to ask for physiological or psychological therapy.
Josué Ortega
To say that this was one of the most formative experiences of my life would be an understatement. It was a chance to apply my desk-knowledge into real-world fieldwork and a way of strengthening the bonding with my fellow mappers. But beyond that, this literal journey across my city taught me (once again) how vast and largely uncharted the urban world is, and also how necessary it is to develop and divulge spatial knowledge that is both accessible and useful for the street level safety of women. I hope that endeavors such as this one will be replicated by YouthMappers chapters all over the world.
Mauricio Nieto
The collection of information was quite a challenge to be able to reach the database with which we carried out the fieldwork, especially because it is discriminating information that may or may not be up to date. The fieldwork also had its challenges since it was to reach places such as taquerias, ice cream parlors, cafes, bars, among other places where they were during working hours, and asking for information was something the employees or managers themselves did not want to provide since they did not know us or that they did not know anything about the information or the project with which we were working. Those are the experiences that are faced when a collaborative project is made that is put together from the ideas of the members of UAMaps to achieve the objectives and update information for the project of safe places for women.
Paulina Gutierrez
Working on this project meant doing it for a different environment due to the scope for which it was planned. My experience in desk work was exciting because there was a huge trail of safe spaces for women, which personally made me feel safe and/or supported by the number of registered spaces that women could count on. Likewise, it was a new and exciting experience due to the different ways of working with the rest of the members of UAMaps; because I had the opportunity to learn together with them and be part of updating and mapping safe spaces for women in CDMX, specifically for the Cuauhtémoc, Miguel Hidalgo and Álvaro Obregón municipality, being aware of the final differences between desk work and fieldwork.
Yeshua Jasai Fierro Duran
The experience of being able to work with colleagues from the university on a subject of great importance, meant something challenging and pleasant for me. We knew how to unite knowledge, despite the pandemic situation and, above all, apply them from work at home as well as the fieldwork in which I participated. That was an unexpected case because I was surprised that public institutions were the ones that treated us in the worst way compared to private institutions or places of commerce or establishments known as safe places. In some of the latter, the safe place initiative was not known but they were empathic with the idea of being a safe place in case a woman needed it, therefore, having done this work corrected that there are still places that should formalize the initiative to help women in desperate cases and if so, this work helps those actions in these places. How to create some type of protocol for the different situations that are experienced in the reality of the country day by day and that is why I am satisfied with the results because I know that this work will serve to analyze said problems from the perspective of mapping.